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Car Security

Hi Everyone, 

If you own a car this information is for you - simply locking your car may not be enough to keep it safe and secure. 

Below are a range of options which will make stealing your car more difficult, especially if several are combined – to make stealing slow, noisy and difficult.

  • Physically check the vehicle doors are locked before walking away.
  • Do not leave keys near windows or doors - aids relay theft and quicker for thieves to locate them.
  • If your car is ‘keyless’ keep the key device in a ‘Faraday pouch’ or metal tin which prevents it receiving or transmitting radio signals to and from the car. 
  • If you buy a second-hand keyless car, get the key reprogrammed. 
  • Make sure the key and any spares are stored securely. 
  • Consider fitting a lock to the On-Board Diagnostic port (OBD), to prevent keys being easily reprogrammed. 
  • Use a steering wheel lock. 
  • Fit a pedal box, which encases the driving pedals in a high visibility secure box. 
  • Fit a parking bollard to your driveway to prevent thieves easy driving your car away.
  • Prevent thieves obtaining your car keys via good home security – lights, alarms, quality door and window locks. 
  • When parking in the street try and find a location that is well light and if possible covered by CCTV. 

    For further advice see the attached leaflets or contact the crime prevention team via EdinburghPreventandIntervent@scotland.police.uk 


    Please report any suspicious behaviour or incidents to Police on 101 or 999.

    Kind Regards

    PC Campbell 

    Police Scotland, Edinburgh Division

    Prevention, Interventions and Partnerships Department


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    Message Sent By
    Samantha Campbell
    (Police Scotland, PC - Preventions Interventions and Partnerships, E Div - Edinburgh City)

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