The Police
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Theft of Diesel - Crimond

We are appealing for information in relation to the theft of diesel from two commercial vehicles in the Crimond area. Approximately £800 of diesel was siphoned from two vehicles on the site between 6.00 pm on Wednesday 18th December and 7.45 am on Thursday 19th December 2024. 

Also stolen from the site was A Milwaukee tower light and 2 x 5 AMP batteries.

If you have any information in relation to this incident you can: 

• Contact Police on 101 or using the ‘Contact Us’ form on the Police Scotland website https://www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/contact/

• Report anonymously through the independent charity Crimestoppers 0800 555 111. 

Ref : 0821 of 19/12/2024

Deter thieves from entering your property by installing and using lockable gates and by maintaining boundaries and perimeter fencing.

Consider fitting a locking cap to your tank.

Check fuel levels regularly.
Where possible install automatic movement sensor security lighting to cover your vehicles and the immediate surrounding area.

Note suspicious vehicle registration numbers and report them to the police through the 101 number.


Be aware that if thieves have already stolen fuel from your tank they may return to steal any replacement fuel you order.


This messaging system is not for reporting crime as responses are not monitored 24/7.  If you have time-critical information regarding the content of the above message, or if you wish to report any other non-urgent matter, please call 101.  In an emergency, call 999.

Police Scotland's North East Division covers rural and urban areas in Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City.  The division has five territorial command areas which have their own dedicated Area Commander, who is responsible for the daily policing function.  Each command area is served by a number of community policing teams whose activities are built around the needs of the local community.  These teams respond to local calls and look for long term solutions to key issues.  They are assisted by the division's Crime Reduction Unit who deliver against Force and local priorities in a number of areas, including physical and social crime prevention, supporting and enhancing community engagement and creating and sustaining strong and effective partnership working.


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Message Sent By
Richard Russell
(Police Scotland, Police Constable, A Div - North East Crime Reduction Unit, Moray)

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