Neighbourhood Watch
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NWS - Independent Advisory Group Update

Dear Coordinators


Just a check in from the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland team to say a huge thank you for all that you do to promote stronger and safer communities.

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland currently has a small pool of coordinator volunteers who are involved in our Independent Advisory Group (IAG). We would like to grow this network further and would welcome any coordinators that could bring their time, experience and expertise to help develop and advise on our delivery in areas such as:

  • Public Engagement (e.g. running events and meetings, risk management) 
  • Policy Development (e.g. business matters including Personnel Management and Finance with a particular emphasis on fundraising or operational issues such as Health and Safety)
  • Coordinator Training (e.g. production of training packages and resources, delivery through tutorials and podcasts)
  • Communications (e.g. how we can better support coordinators and develop an effective communication platform).
  • If any of these subject areas are of interest to you and you feel that you would like to get involved, please get in touch either by responding to this Alert or by email,



    We would be delighted to hear from you.


    Have a lovely week, best wishes from all at Neighbourhood Watch Scotland.




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    Message Sent By
    Lyndsay Barr
    (Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, Engagement Officer, Scotland)

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