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Home and Garden Security

Dear All, 

With the holidays upon us please could I ask that you review your home and garden security. 

The attached leaflet has further information but consider – 

  • Height of fences / hedges – keep them lower at the front and higher at the back of properties. 
  • Locked side gates are great to deter people getting down the side of properties. 
  • Make sure windows have keys operated locks, two could be fitted on accessible windows.
  • Doors should have multipoint locks, British Standard 5 lever mortice locks or Euro profile cylinder locks rated TS007.
  • House alarms maybe a useful addition along with vibration sensors on vulnerable windows.
  • Garages and sheds can also be alarmed and fitted with ground anchors and Sold Secure locks to protect bicycles and motorbikes. 
  • Faraday pouches, parking bollards, and steering locks can all help prevent the theft of vehicles. 


    Additional advice can be found at – www.scotland.police.uk/advice-and-information/your-home/your-house/

  •       Or contact the Crime Prevention Team via - Edinburghpreventandintervent@edinburgh.police.uk
    If you see anyone acting suspiciously near to your property, please contact the police immediately with as detailed a description as possible of the person and any vehicle.  In an emergency phone 999 or 101 to report the matter to the police.


    PC Campbell

    Prevention, Interventions and Partnerships Department
    Police Scotland
    Edinburgh Division


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    Message Sent By
    Samantha Campbell
    (Police Scotland, PC, E Div - Edinburgh City - Preventions Interventions and Partnerships)

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